The London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership is a collaborative community initiative to facilitate and strengthen the integration of immigrants into a community that is welcoming.  LMLIP is funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, and supported by the Province of Ontario and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario.  LMLIP is co-led by the City of London and a community member.

For more information on the #AllAreWelcomeHere campaign, please contact:

Jill Tansley, LMLIP Co-chair at jtansley@London.ca (Office: 519 661-2500 x7377)

Huda Hussein, LMLIP Project Coordinator at (hhussein@lmlip.ca, Ph: 519-663-0551 ext. 283

For a free lawn sign, window decal and/or car bumper sticker, contact:

Maria D’Souza at mariad@lmlip.ca ; 519-663-0551 ext 240 or check here for more locations

Volunteering Opportunities

The London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership (LMLIP) is run by close to 100 volunteers from different sectors, academics, ethno-cultural and religious groups and interested residents. One of the main objectives of the LMLIP is to support the successful integration of immigrants and help in creating a more welcoming community in the region.

LMLIP is guided by a Central Council and five issue specific sub-councils, namely, education, employment, health & wellbeing, inclusion & civic engagement and settlement. LMLIP recruits volunteers twice a year to serve on one of the issue specific sub-councils. Volunteers draft their work plan annually, based on the LMLIP three-year Strategic Plan, and reach out to stakeholders whose mandates align with the issue, to execute projects in the work plan.

For more information, please contact Maria D’Souza, LMLIP Project Assistant at mariad@lmlip.ca